Our Aim
Our group aim is to make it easier to share, compare and reproduce data and models in the field of Computational Morphodynamics, where live imaging, image processing and computational models are combined to understand development. We discuss challenges in a longer time perspective and to build a bottom-up approach connecting software between participating groups.
The effort has been developed during the Plant Computational Workshops held at the Sainsbury Laboratory (SLCU), Cambridge, UK, and since 2022, biannually at the Plant Reproduction Development Lab, ENS de Lyon, France.
Participating laboratories:
– Sainsbury Laboratory (SLCU), Cambridge, UK
– Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding, Cologne, Germany
– LIRMM, Montpellier, France
– ENS de Lyon, France
– Caltech, USA
– John Innes Centre, UK
– Lund University, Sweden
– University of Sheffield, UK
– University of Tübingen, Germany
– University of Freiburg
– Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin Plant Sciences, France